Corporate Information

Message from the President

President of TAMADIC

Toshihiko Morizane

We provide higher quality and added value
as a comprehensive engineering company.

Since our founding in 1959, we have earned our customers' trust and appreciation by providing cutting-edge technology in the field of manufacturing. In recent years, we have been shifting from task-based contracts for design or development to project-based contracts. By taking on projects from the starting phase to the final processes, we can provide customers with high-value-added technical services while simultaneously breaking into new fields and improving our own technical capabilities.We have also launched full-scale efforts to become carbon neutral. When we consider the global environment, delaying carbon neutrality is not an option. Specific initiatives must be pursued in order for us to succeed at carbon dioxide emission reduction, cessation, and recapture in our corporate activities. Sixty percent of our business activities in 2021, when we launched these efforts, involved the reduction of carbon emissions, and our goal is to reach 85 percent by 2030.Furthermore, in order for us to provide high quality and high added value, the lifeblood of our company, we have been actively working to obtain ISO certification, which is an objective indicator of quality assurance.
The role of engineers has become increasingly vital in this era of environmental and social change. As a comprehensive engineering company, TAMADIC will continue its future development based on its Corporate Vision of sincerity and creativity to remain our customers' first choice for their projects.

Corporate Vision

Sincerity and Creativity

社訓 誠実創造

"Sincerity" represents the attitude of our engineers toward customers and technology, and "Creativity" represents their attitude toward manufacturing. These values have been passed down in our DNA at TAMADIC.

Ten Rules of Design

設計十訓 1.依頼者の気持になり切れ 2.設計諸元を再度確認せよ 3.期限は最も重要な仕様である 4.計算記録は明確に残せ 5.設計推移は記録せよ 6.自分の図面に責任を持て 7.図面に個性を出すな 8.反原則設計は充分意見を聞け 9.アイデア、工作法製図の絶えざる研究 10.一つの考えに拘わるな

  1. Fully understand the Client's requirements and desires
  2. Double check design specifications
  3. The deadline is the most important requirement
  4. Provide a clear and concise analysis report containing all pertinent calculations
  5. Record the progress of the design
  6. Take responsibility for your drawings
  7. Avoid unconventional solutions in your drawings
  8. Be open to recommendations and suggestions from colleagues to find the optimal solutions
  9. Always strive to improve through persistent research of ideas, engineering techniques, and draftsmanship
  10. Avoid a one-track mind and tunnel vision

The concepts espoused by The Ten Rules of Design (written by founder Chimata Morizane) during the Tama Giken era remain a part of TAMADIC's DNA to this day.

Corporate Identity

  • TAMADIC Change creaation into power

We are adopting a new corporate logo based on a new corporate identity with the aim of training the talented workers needed by these times, strengthening our corporate systems, uniting our employees, and increasing the value of the TAMADIC brand. The new design is simple yet intellectual and sophisticated. It express (1) manufacturing that pursues quality over eccentricity and (2) our pride and confidence as a leader in cutting-edge technology. As a comprehensive engineering company with professionalism and advanced technical capabilities that our customers can rely on, we are drawing attention to the power of the individual -- that's the 'I' in our name.
By changing creation into power, we can overcome any challenge. The future of TAMADIC is bright.

The Typeface
We've adopted Helvetica as the basic typeface for the TAMADIC logo and corporate identity. This typeface has continued to evolve and has been appreciated across generations and cultures for over 50 years. It has been specified as a key typeface for famous companies around the world. Its exquisite balance and high degree of perfection have attracted renewed attention from creators who pursue quality as a typeface that expresses the essence of design. TAMADIC's Corporate Vision of "sincerity and creativity" and its attitude toward manufacturing that is focused on technology and quality have much in common with the philosophy behind the creation of the Helvetica typeface. Furthermore, TAMADIC is celebrating its 60th anniversary, and the adoption of this typeface was driven by its desire to be a steadfast company supported by its customers.
What Is TAMADIC Blue?
We've adopted blue as our corporate color. It evokes hope, the future, and cutting-edge innovation. We call this color TAMADIC Blue and will develop a color scheme based on this blue that is appropriate to the concepts of steadfastness and creativity.
The Corporate Slogan
Given today's globalized, information-oriented society, one of our communication strategies has been to adopt an English slogan. As described above, it expresses TAMADIC's corporate vision and approach to manufacturing. What we need right now is "change," and what we need to achieve it is "power." It expresses our determination to create the next 50 years by turning creativity into power.